1,846 research outputs found

    Online 3D path planning for Tri-copter drone using GWO-IBA algorithm

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    Robots at present are involved in many parts of life, especially mobile robots, which are two parts, ground robots and flying robots, and the best example of a flying robot is the drone. Path planning is a fundamental part of UAVs because the drone follows the path that leads it to goal with obstacle avoidance. Therefore, this paper proposes a hybrid algorithm (grey wolf optimization - intelligent bug algorithm GWO-IBA) to determine the best, shortest and without obstacles path. The hybrid algorithm was implemented and tested in the MATLAB program on the Tri-copter model, and it gave different paths in different environments. The paths obtained were characterized by being free of obstacles and the shortest paths available to reach the target

    Investigation of waste banana peels and radish leaves for their biofuels potential

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    This article is mainly based on the production of biodiesel and bioethanol from waste banana peels and radish leaves. The oily content from both the samples were converted to biodiesel by acid catalyzed and base catalyzed transesterification using methanol and ethanol. The biodiesel so obtained was subjected to analysis in accordance with the American Standard for Testing Materials (ASTM). The carbohydrates were extracted by distilled water and characterized by physical, chemical and biochemical methods. The carbohydrates were subjected to anaerobic fermentation using Saccharomyces cerevisiae to produce bioethanol which was confirmed by the preparation of UV active derivatives namely ethyl benzoate and ethyl salicylate. The highest % yield of fatty acid methyl ester and fatty acid ethyl ester was found to be 75% and 38%, respectively. The yield of bioethanol from banana peels and radish leaves was found to be 1.37% and 1.23%, respectively. KEY WORDS: Oil, Transesterification, Biodiesel, Carbohydrates, Fermentation, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Bioethanol Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2015, 29(2), 239-245DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v29i2.

    Multi-elemental analysis of some Nigerian mineral rocks for a comparative assay of gamma shielding with concrete using winxcom

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    Analysis of chemical composition and concentration of three Nigerian minerals have been carried out with the research reactor (GHARR-1) at Ghana Atomic energy commission Kwabenya Accra, in order to analyze their gamma photon shielding prospects using WINXCOM software. The physical densities of Serpentinite rock from Katsina/ Zamfara state, Hematite rock from Kogi state and Barite from Benue states of Nigeria were measured, and their moisture content analyzed with the Am-Be neutron source irradiation facility at Centre for Energy Research and Training (CERT) A.B.U. in Nigeria Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of gamma ray spectra of the residual radio nuclides of the rock samples were performed using the SPAN 5.0 software. The result of the chemical composition was observed to have a good elemental correlation with the well known neutron shields (concrete), but indicative of a better substitute to ordinary concrete when, in addition, the moisture retention capabilities, refractive properties and, most importantly, their densities are taken into account. The knowledge of the elemental composition is a requirement for calculating the shielding characteristics using WINXCOM. For an increase in photon energy by a factor of 0.21keV the mass attenuation in Serpentinite decreased by 2.0cm2/g; Hematite had a decrease of 5.0cm2/g; Barite also decreased by 5cm2/g while concrete had its mass attenuated by only 1.3cm2/g. Keywords: Transmission, Reflection, Mineral rock, Thermal neutrons, Fast neutrons, Moistur

    Neutron spectrum parameters in two irradiation channels of the Nigeria research reactor-1 (nirr-1) for use in k0-naa

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    For the utilization of the NIRR-1 to include the k0-standardization method, the following neutron spectrum parameters in one inner and one outer irradiation channels were determined using the “Cd-ratio for multi-monitor method”: The thermal to epithermal flux ratio, f, and the epithermal flux shape factor, α. These parameters determined in the inner irradiation channel A1,are: α = - 0.046 ± 0.005 and f = 18.4 ± 0.34 and for the outer irradiation channel A2 α = + 0.024 ± 0.002 and f = 49.5 ± 0.96. The results compare well with reported values obtained from other reactor facilities with similar core configuration such as the Slowpoke and Miniature Neutron Source Reactor facilities available in literature

    Determination of neutron-induced activation cross sections using nirr-1

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    Thermal Activation cross-sections for the (n, γ) reaction were experimentally measured using NIRR-1 facilities. The irradiated target isotopes were 71Ga, 109Ag, 55Mn 94Zr; 96Zr; 238U, 74Se, 75As and 48Ca. In order to obtain reliable activation cross sections, careful attention was paid to neutron irradiation and to the measurement of induced activity. The values obtained for the ten (n, γ) reactions were compared against the comprehensive evaluated values listed in Mughabghab, (2003) and other evaluated data libraries. The values were found to compare well with values evaluated by Mughabghab and those from other libraries

    The Preparation of some New Mannich and Shiff bases derived from 2-Mercaptobenzimidazole

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    The present work involved two steps: the first step include Mannich reaction was carried out on 2- mercaptobenzimidazole using formaldehyde and different secondary amine or amide to gives the compounds(2-16). The secnd step include preparation of (Ethylbenzimidazoly-2-mercaptoacetate)(17) from the reaction of 2- mercaptobenzimidazole with ethylchloroacetate than prepared hydrazide derivative[18]from reaction of compound(17) with hydrazinehydrate. Followed Preparation of shiff bases(19-24) and there reaction with mercaptoacetic acid to give a new compounds containing thiazolidinderivetives(25-30).Structure confirmation of all prepared compound were proved using FTIR and element analysis (C.H.N.S) and mesurmentedmelting point

    A new four-dimensional hyper-chaotic system for image encryption

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    Currently, images are very important with the rapid growth of communication networks. Therefore, image encryption is a process to provide security for private information and prevent unwanted access to sensitive data by unauthorized individuals. Chaos systems provide an important role for key generation, with high randomization properties and accurate performance. In this study, a new four-dimensional hyper-chaotic system has been suggested that is used in the keys generation, which are utilized in the image encryption process to achieve permutation and substitution operations. Firstly, color bands are permuted using the index of the chaotic sequences to remove the high correlation among neighboring pixels. Secondly, dynamic S-boxes achieve the principle of substitution, which are utilized to diffuse the pixel values of the color image. The efficiency of the proposed method is tested by the key space, histogram, and so on. Security analysis shows that the proposed method for encrypting images is secure and resistant to different attacks. It contains a big key space of (2627) and a high sensitivity to a slight change in the secret key, a fairly uniform histogram, and entropy values nearby to the best value of 8. Moreover, it consumes a very short time for encryption and decryption

    Investigation on the Effects of Addition of Binder and Particle Size on the High Calorific Value of Solid Biofuel Briquettes

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    The effects of biomass particle size and addition of binder on the high calorific values (HCVs) of five (5) selected biomass briquettes is studied. Analyses of the experimental results show that finely grinded particles (about 1.75mm and 2.00mm) had low calorific values as the grinding resulted in a loss of some heat and made the sample vulnerable to air oxidation.Addition of gum Arabic binder greatly inceases the high calorific value of all samples followed by starch and top-glue binder tend to decerease the HCVs for the range of biomass tested in the order 25.3201> 23.2985>20.0023 respectively.Thus indicating gum Arabic and starch improves the caloric value while top glue and polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) decreases the calorific value of the samples. An extensive investigation on the PVC dissolved in Toluene compound(organic) as chemical binder was observed to decrease the calorific values of all the briquette samples except those made of coconut shell and rice husk. Keywords: Biomass, Biofuel, Binder, Briquette, High heating valu


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    Now day’s text Classification and Sentiment analysis is considered as one of the popular Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. This kind of technique plays significant role in human activities and has impact on the daily behaviours. Each article in different fields such as politics and business represent different opinions according to the writer tendency. A huge amount of data will be acquired through that differentiation. The capability to manage the political orientation of an online article automatically. Therefore, there is no corpus for political categorization was directed towards this task in Arabic, due to the lack of rich representative resources for training an Arabic text classifier. However, we introduce political Arabic articles dataset (PAAD) of textual data collected from newspapers, social network, general forum and ideology website. The dataset is 206 articles distributed into three categories as (Reform, Conservative and Revolutionary) that we offer to the research community on Arabic computational linguistics. We anticipate that this dataset would make a great aid for a variety of NLP tasks on Modern Standard Arabic, political text classification purposes. We present the data in raw form and excel file. Excel file will be in four types such as V1 raw data, V2 preprocessing, V3 root stemming and V4 light stemming

    Weed anemone menace in marine aquaria and its management

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    Sea anemones are coming under the Phylum Cnidaria and Class Anthozoa. Like many Cnidarians, sea anemones contain specialized cells, known as cnidocytes or nematocytes, in their body column, oral disc, pharynx, tentacles and mesenterial filaments. Sea anemones of Aiptasia genus are distributed in temperate and tropical oceans attached to any hard substratum. The genus Aiptasia includes 13 species all equipped with 96 tentacles which are filled with nematocysts to sting their prey. The name Aiptasia itself means ‘beautiful’, however in marine aquarium keeping even if few Aiptasia are found in the tank it should not be taken so lightly. A hardy species it can explode in numbers within weeks. Aiptasia is a zooxanthellate anemone and survives well in the illuminated marine aquarium due to the photosynthetic activity of its algal symbiont